Magnetic Attraction
Diploë filters Renaissance writing through Modernist glasses, shedding serifs and line modulation, while embracing and repurposing the structural qualities of nascent typography.
Diploë’s large openings and high-branching arches emphasize the horisontal, ensuring letterforms stay clear in small sizes. Arranged symmetrically, those same features yield a strong magnetic pull on the larger sizes. By enclosing generous apertures in narrow spaces, the words form self-contained graphical units.
The Diploë family offers a continuous spectrum of styles that can handle just about anything you throw at it. From complex typographic hierarchies to space-saving headlines, it effectively adapts to varying responsibilities and external constraints. The variable format expands the range of applications to animations and fine-tuned gradients. Its wide-ranging capabilities are on display throughout this specimen.
3 widths × 7 weights × 2 slants =
1 Variable Font
3 widths × 7 weights × 2 slants =
42 Static Fonts
200 | 50 | 0Narrow Extralight 200 | 50 | -11Narrow Extralight Italic 300 | 50 | 0Narrow Light 300 | 50 | -11Narrow Light Italic 400 | 50 | 0Narrow Regular 400 | 50 | -11Narrow Regular Italic 500 | 50 | 0Narrow Medium 500 | 50 | -11Narrow Medium Italic 600 | 50 | 0Narrow Semibold 600 | 50 | -11Narrow Semibold Italic 700 | 50 | 0Narrow Bold 700 | 50 | -11Narrow Bold Italic 900 | 50 | 0Narrow Black 900 | 50 | -11Narrow Black Italic 200 | 100 | 0Extralight 200 | 100 | -11Extralight Italic 300 | 100 | 0Light 300 | 100 | -11Light Italic 400 | 100 | 0Regular 400 | 100 | -11Regular Italic 500 | 100 | 0Medium 500 | 100 | -11Medium Italic 600 | 100 | 0Semibold 600 | 100 | -11Semibold Italic 700 | 100 | 0Bold 700 | 100 | -11Bold Italic 900 | 100 | 0Black 900 | 100 | -11Black Italic 200 | 150 | 0Wide Extralight 200 | 150 | -11Wide Extralight Italic 300 | 150 | 0Wide Light 300 | 150 | -11Wide Light Italic 400 | 150 | 0Wide Regular 400 | 150 | -11Wide Regular Italic 500 | 150 | 0Wide Medium 500 | 150 | -11Wide Medium Italic 600 | 150 | 0Wide Semibold 600 | 150 | -11Wide Semibold Italic 700 | 150 | 0Wide Bold 700 | 150 | -11Wide Bold Italic 900 | 150 | 0Wide Black 900 | 150 | -11Wide Black Italic
Though solemn in appearance, Diploë is playful in application. Monokrom’s new sans serif family is conceived as a variable spectrum, ranging from narrow to wide, light to black, covering roman and italic styles, as well as intermediate postures. Individual fonts are available in three widths, counting seven weights each, for a total of fourty-two styles. Diploë is a late rendition of a genre of sans serifs that borrows its structure and proportions from Renaissance writing. The typeface’s abrupt transition from stems to branches and its preference for horizontal directionality are traits that derive from these ancestors.
Diploë’s arches spout high from the stem – a feature echoed in its large apertures. When combined with a left-leaning contrast axis, the lineal humanist tends to exhibit a pronounced asymmetry. Diploë uses a few tricks to rein in this tendency: the magnet-like arches grow almost horizontally from the stem, reverberating across the horizontal axis to form bowls. The symmetrical distribution of thicks and thins offers additional stability. Finally, Diploë’s proportions tend toward uniform widths in all characters. The resulting shape language suggests a wide stance, but its sturdiness also helps stabilize the narrower styles.
The extreme ends of the spectrum offer ample graphic opportunities, whether as dramatic contrast or in animated applications. Not so obvious, perhaps, is the enhanced handling of complex text typography that the Diploë family makes possible. It can set narrow columns as well as long-form paragraphs, with precise control of ink density across multiple levels of information.
Download the specimen for the full Character Set and a list of supported languages.
To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul. It is one of the hardest to define. A human being has roots by virtue of his real, active and natural participation in the life of a community which preserves in living shape certain particular treasures of the past and certain particular expectations for the future. This participation is a natural one, in the sense that it is automatically brought about by place, conditions of birth, profession and social surroundings. Every human being needs to have multiple roots. It is necessary for him to draw wellnigh the whole of his moral, intellectual and spiritual life by way of the environment of which he forms a natural part.
10 Things to learn about Variable Fonts
September 8, 2024
Fonts Typography Release Variable
OpenType variable fonts are an adaptation of Apple's TrueType GX font variations to OpenType, with integration into key aspects of the OpenType format including OpenType Layout tables and both TrueType and CFF glyph outline formats. It also surpasses TrueType GX by providing better interoperability, both between different fonts, and between variable fonts and font-formatting specifications such as those found in Cascading Style Sheets. The technology allows software to access any design instance for a continuous range of designs defined within the font. When a specific design instance has been selected, the glyph outlines or other data values for that design instance are computed as font data is being processed during text layout and rasterization.
Source: Wikipedia